About us
Ulanqab Goldensea (Dehai)Organic Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd.(U-GS) was established in March 2022 and is located in Jining District, Ulanqab, Inner Mongolia,China.
Our business scope covering the agricultural products’ processing/exporting, the most important products we have advantages are as following,
the Pumpkin Seeds Snow-white,
the Sunflower Seeds,
and the Pumpkin Seeds Kernels(Shine-skin type/GWS).
U-GS also acts as the agent of China-Europe Railway Express Services departing from Qisumu,Ulanqab.
Meantime, U-GS also has its own organic planting base in Ulanqab, which can provide organic certified Pumpkin Seeds Snow-white /Sunflower Seeds and process/export the above-mentioned organic certified products.
Huanan Goldensea Foods Co.,Ltd. (GS),the mother company of U-GS, is a professional manufacturer and exporter of Pumpkin Seeds Snow-white/Pumpkin Seeds Kernels/Sunflower Seeds.
GS has been processing the Pumpkin Seeds Snow-white since 1999. Since 2010, GS had been exporting the above-mentioned goods to all over the world.
At present, GS exports about 6,000 tons of the Pumpkin Seeds Snow-white and 6000mt of the Sunflower Seeds per year, and the market covers 26 countries and regions.
As a grower/processor/exporter of organic agricultural products, U-GS has 2,500 hectares of certified organic planting bases in Ulanqab, and can process/export about 6,000 tons of organic pumpkin seeds/organic sunflower seeds every year. At the same time, we can also provide planting/processing/exporting of various organic products such as potatoes,corn,millet and kidney beans.
As an agent of the China-Europe Railway Express Services(CR Express),we started our businesses from 2021, while the above mentioned transportation services businesses expended very rapidly, our professional transportation team has accumulated a lot of experience. In order to provide our CR Express agent service to more clients, with the strong supporting of the local government of Ulanqab, we registered our company, Ulanqab Goldensea (Dehai) Organic Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd.(U-GS),in the Logistics Centre of Qisumu Bonded Area(type B),Jining District,Ulanqab City,Inner Mongolia,China in March 2022.
We offer our valuable services to all the possible clients who need to send the goods to Europe market with more lower cost, with shorter time,with more safer condition!
After the clients’ goods arrival at the Qisumu Bonded Logistics Center, our company will provide the empty containers, load the goods into the containers in the yard, get the space on the train for the clients in time, fulfill all the necessary officially programs , do the Customs declaration for exporting loads, and transport the goods along the CR express’ main railway stations in EU countries accordingly.
Our professional team can provide convenient one-stop service, so that you no longer have to worry about the soaring sea freight, and the transportation journey time is only 15-20 days which is much shorter than the common shipping cycle time(30-50 days) by sea.
At the same time, we can also act as the exporting agent for the manufacturers who has the market in EU countries since we have the advantages not only on the transportation cost and the transportation time but also we have have more quicker tax-refound time because we are located in Qisumu Bonded Area,Ulanqab,Inner Mongolia .
All the exporters/manufactures in China are welcome to cooperate with us,Ulanqab Goldensea (Dehai) Organic Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd.
We have the following advantages,
1.Our workshops are all located in the most important planting area of the pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds in China. We can control the purchasing, processing, and all the aspects of exporting by ourselves ---the cost is the lowest.
2. We have our own planting bases, the quality of the materail is under our controlling. ----high quality of the goods is gauranteed.
3. all year round supplying is available. ---the quantity is guaranteed.
4. Our experienced purchasing team is powerful. We can help you to avoid any possible loss on the market. --- We know the market well.
5. No matter how the price increase or decrease, all the contracts will be executed accordingly. ---We have very high reputation.
6. We are acting as the agent of the China-Europe Railway Express Services, we have the best freight for the loads which will be sent to EU market by train. ---We are very competitive in price for the goods for EU market.
乌兰察布德海有机农业科技有限公司成立于2022年3月,地处内蒙乌兰察布集宁区。主要生产/销售/出口农产品加工品,以雪白瓜籽/光板瓜子/葵花籽/南瓜籽仁(无壳/光板)为主。德海公司也做从七苏木发车的中欧班列代理运输服务。 德海公司在乌兰察布还拥有自己的有机种植基地,可以提供有机认证的雪白瓜子/葵花籽原料并可加工/出口有机认证的上述产品。 德海公司的母公司,桦南金海白瓜子有限公司,作为专业的南瓜籽/南瓜籽仁/葵花籽的生产商和出口商,从1999年开始生产加工雪白瓜子。 从2010年开始自营出口上述货物到世界各地。自营出口南瓜籽和南瓜籽仁各约6000多吨/年,市场遍布26个国家和地区。
6. 我们自己操作中欧班列运输业务,使得我们出口到欧洲的货物极具价格竞争力。
作为中欧班列运输服务提供者,从2021年开始,桦南金海白瓜子有限公司新增的中欧班列运输服务的业务迅速扩大,金海在提供上述专业运输服务方面积累了大量的经验,借助乌兰察布当地政府的大力扶持,桦南金海于2022年3月在内蒙古自治区乌兰察布市集宁区七苏木保税物流中心成功注册了德海公司,在上述保税区内我们不仅自己加工雪白瓜子/葵花籽/光板南瓜籽仁/无壳南瓜籽仁,还可直接出口并发货到欧洲各主要火车站。这使得我司在出口欧洲的货物上极具竞争优势! 欢迎各位有需求的买家/卖家和我们洽谈合作!
同时,我们也给全国出口欧洲的客商提供中欧班列运输服务。 客户的货物运抵七苏木保税物流中心后由我司提供空箱供给、堆场倒箱装货、代理商检换单、班列编组上车、代理报关出口、运输货物到中欧班列沿线的主要车站。我们的专业团队能提供便捷的,一条龙服务,让您不再为不断飙升的海运费发愁,同时运输行程时间也远比30-50天的海运周期短很多,大约是15-25天就能安全抵达欧洲国家的主要火车站。
Company Name: Ulanqab Goldensea (Dehai)Organic Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd.
contact number: 13709293435
Company address: Standardized Workshop 7- 9 # ,Qisumu Industrial Park,Jining District,Ulanqab City,Inner Mongolia,China
Copyright 2014-2024 Ulanqab Goldensea (Dehai)Organic Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved Meng ICP Bei 2022001017NO.